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Combined Military Hospital CMH Badin Jobs 2022
Combined Military Hospital CMH Badin Jobs 2022
Combined Military Hospital CMH Badin Jobs 2022
Combined Military Hospital CMH Badin Jobs 2022 are accepting applications from qualified candidates. Applicants from Sindh Province, both male and female, are eligible to apply for these positions.
IT Assistant, Medical Assistant, Stretcher Bearer, Labour, Watchman, Sanitary Worker, and Aya positions are available. Literate, Primary, Matriculation, and Graduation Qualifications holders are eligible for these positions.
Individuals interested in applying should submit their applications on plain paper with attested copies of supporting documents and a Rs. 300/- Postal Order. The Commandant, CMH, Badin, should receive applications.
Combined Military Hospital – CMH Jobs Latest
- On the 20th of June 2022,
- Location: Sindh
- Bachelor’s, Intermediate’s, Literate’s, Matric’s, Middle’s, and Primary’s education
- The deadline is July 3, 2022.
- Vacancies: 09
- Combined Military Hospital – CMH is the name of the company.
- Address: Commandant, CMH, Badin
Vacant Positions:
- Aya
- IT Assistant
- Labour
- Medical Assistant
- Sanitary Worker
- Stretcher Bearer
- Watchman
Combined Military Hospital CMH Badin Jobs 2022 Ad