Pakistan Army CMT and SD Golra Rawalpindi Jobs 2023 BPS-01 to BPS-16
Pakistan Army CMT and SD Golra Rawalpindi Jobs 2023 BPS-01 to BPS-16
Pakistan Army CMT and SD Golra Rawalpindi Jobs 2023 BPS-01 to BPS-16
The most recent advertisement for Pakistan Army Recruitment may be found on this page under the heading Pakistan Army Civilian Jobs 2023 – Pakistan Army CMT and SD Golra Rawalpindi Jobs 2023.
Please read this post if you are interested in Pak Army Jobs for Civilians and apply for the desired position. For Pakistani nationals, careers at CMT and SD Golra Rawalpindi are available. In the advertising, regional/provincial quotas are explained.
Store Keeper (BPS-14), Upper Division Clerk (BPS-11), Storeman (BPS-07), Naib Qasid (BPS-01), and USM (BPS-01) positions are all vacant.
If interested, candidates with an age range of 18 to 30 are eligible for this position. It is possible to apply if you have a Primary, Intermediate, Matriculation, or Bachelor’s degree. Candidates from all over Pakistan are welcome to apply.
The hiring procedure will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines established by the government. Candidates that meet particular requirements will be given a concession in the upper age restriction, per the recruitment policy. Scan Only patients who qualify will be contacted for additional procedures. Candidates that are chosen may be posted anywhere in Pakistan.
Pakistan Army Jobs Latest
- Published on: April 19, 2023
- Location: Pakistan’s Rawalpindi
- Primary, matric, intermediate, and bachelor’s degrees
- Expires on: April 23, 2023
- Vacancies: 05
- Organisation: Pakistan Army
- Address: Rawalpindi, Commandant, CMT & SD Golra Road
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Vacant Positions:
- Naib Qasid (BPS-01)
- Store Keeper (BPS-14)
- Storeman (BPS-07)
- Upper Division Clerk (BPS-11)
- USM (BPS-01)
How to Apply?
- The Commandant, CMT & SD, Golra Road, Rawalpindi is the place where you can deliver your applications.
- Applications should be delivered to the office within 15 days together with copies of the applicant’s CNIC, proof of education, one current passport-size photo, and a Rs. 100 postal order.
- There will be no TA or DA for the appointment procedure.
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