Gandhara University today govt jobs
This page will provide you with information about Gandhara University today govt jobs . Those looking for Teaching Jobs in Peshawar should look no further than this page. This Teaching Faculty Job Notice was obtained from the Daily Mashriq newspaper.
- Posted on: November 18th, 2021
- Location: Peshawar
- Relevant Qualifications and Education: Ph.D.
- The deadline is November 28, 2021.
- Vacancies: Multiple
- Gandhara University is the name of the company.
- Address: Farkhanda Institute of Nursing & Public Health, Nesir Bagh Road, Peshawar, Behind Naseer Teaching Hospital
Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Senior Instructors, and Librarians are needed at Gandhara University – Farkhanda Institute of Nursing & Public Health – Peshawar. Applicants with a Ph.D. in Nursing, MSN in Nursing, MSN or Post RN BSN Nursing, or MLS in Library Science may apply for these positions.
Positions Available:
- Professors-in-Training
- Assistant Professors
- Librarians
- Professors
- Senior Teachers
How to Apply for Gandhara University today govt jobs
- Applicants can obtain the Application Form by visiting
- The application form, along with attested copies of certificates, testimonials, CNIC, and a passport-size colour photograph, must be received by the office by post or hand on or before November 28, 2021.