Latest jobs Pakistan Irrigation Department Punjab
Latest jobs Pakistan Irrigation Department Punjab
Latest jobs Pakistan Irrigation Department Punjab
Irrigation Department Punjab Employment 2021 was released in the Nawa-i-Waqt Newspaper on February 28, 2021. (Sunday). For the positions of Senior Water Management Modeler, Senior ASP.NET Developer, Electronic Telecommunication Engineer, Junior Network Specialist, Technician, and Driver, the Punjab Irrigation Department is accepting applications.
jobs Pakistan Irrigation Department Punjab
, Pakistan
Nawa-i-Waqt Newspaper is a newspaper published in Pakistan.
Government Employment is a work type.
Contract form of job
Training varies from a bachelor’s degree to a master’s degree.
Punjab Work 2021 Department: Irrigation Department
Day of Publication: February 28, 2021
The date is April 14th, 2021.
The Irrigation Department is accepting applications for the following contractual positions from interested applicants who meet the requirements specified against each post:-
1. Senior Water Management Modeler (1 Post) (Age limit 30-45 years) For contract workers, a minimum of MP-III (including monetization) i.e. Rs. 230,885/- is allowed. If a vehicle is given, the monetization number, i.e. 65,060/-, is deducted; FD. SR-1/9-10/2019, dated December 31, 2019 (in case of appointment by transfer). Master’s degree (2* division) in Water Management Engineering, Hydraulics Engineering, or Engineering Hydrology from a recognised university with a BSc Civil Engineering/Agriculture Engineering as a prerequisite. Experience: Ten (10) years of experience in water management since completing a BSc Engineering degree, including understanding of GISATI hydrological models, among other things. awareness of hydrological mathematical analysis, scripting language experience, and command of hydrological/hydraulic simulation software such as HEC-HMS, MIKE, HEC-RAS, or any other, etc. 1. Letter No. BS-19 + Bonus Allowances
jobs Pakistan Irrigation Department Punjab
2. Senior ASP.NET Developer (2 Posts) (Age cap 30-45 years) In the case of a contract employee, a minimum of MP. (including monetization) i.e. Rs. 230,885/- must be permitted. If a vehicle is issued, the monetization number, i.e. 65,060/-, will be deducted; otherwise, BS-19 + Bonus Allowances as per letter No FD.SR- 1/9-10/2019 dated December 31, 2019 will be deducted (in case of appointment by transfer). Master’s Degree (2 Division) in Computer Science or BSc. in Computer Science (16 years of education) (Hons) Computer Science from a prestigious institution. Experience: Five (5) years of web development experience, including understanding of the NET Platform (3.5, 4.0, 4.5), CE, ASP NET Web Forms, and MVCS. The term “web services” refers to a collection of WCF, LINQ, and Interactive Websites, Service Based Design awareness, CSS 3.4), HTML, HTML5, AJAX, JQuery, and JavaScript working experience Advanced understanding of Architecture Patterns and how they are used in Object-Oriented Design (OOD) and Programming with MS SQL Server 2008 R2,2012, T-SQL, and SSRS (0OP).
3. Telecommunications/electronics engineer (2 Posts) (Age range: 23-35 years old) Pay Rs. 125,000/- per month in case of contract employee or BS-17 pay and allowances + Bonus Allowances as per letter No. FD SR-1/9-10/2019 (in case of appointment by transfer) B.Sc Electrical Engineering / Electronics / Telecommunication Engineering (2 Division) from a recognised university is required. Two (2) years of experience in a similar area, with a preference for IT and sensor technology expertise.
4. Network Specialist (Junior) (1 Post) (Age limit 23-35 years) In the case of a contract employee, salary Rs. 125,000/- per month or BS-17 pay and allowances + Bonus Allowances, as per letter No. FD.SR-1/9-10/2019 (in case of appointment by transfer) Master’s degree (2 division) in IT, Machine Network Analysis, CCNA, or MCITP from a recognised university is required. Two (2) years of experience, including Network Engineer/Specialist, basic Windows Troubleshooting expertise, server system awareness and experience, and storage management (depends on infrastructure detail after analysis phase). Knowledge of operating system patches upgrades, administrative duties, system software upgrades and configurations to enable GIS infrastructure applications, network awareness and deployment expertise, and familiarity with BB installations are all necessary (MS SQL, Web Server, IJS management). Backup of records, ability to rapidly learn new skills, and learner productivity Microsoft Office, 1IS 7.0, MS SQL 2008, and Windows 2008 R2 are all included.
5. Technician (2 Posts) (Age cap 20-30 years) (Pay Rs. 42,000/- per month) in case of contract employee Qualification: Three (3) years in Diplcma of Associate Engineering (2 Division) in Electronics/Electronic Instruments/Communication from a recognised university. Experience: One (1) year of experience in electronics equipment repair and servicing.
6. Driver (2 Posts) (Age cap 25-35 years) (Pay Rs. 25,000/- a month if contract employee) Middle certification. Experience: Two (2) years of driving experience with a valid LTV driver’s licence and a comprehensive knowledge of traffic rules; ability to drive a range of vehicles; ability to operate under pressure and over long periods of time; and willingness to travel in the field, especially in remote areas.
Instructions for Use
Under Contract Assignment Regulation 2004, as updated to date, the aeove vacancies are on a contract basis until June 30, 2022. Next, go to and fill out an application (mandatory). Following the submission of an online document, a detailed CV, as well as attested hard copies of I.D. cards, Domicile Records, Educational Certificates, and Detail Marks Certificatos, must be submitted. Experience Certificates and a recent passport size photograph, along with the specified form (available at https:/ ), should be submitted to the office of The Chief Supervision, PMIU, Irriqation Secretariat, Old Anarkali, Lahore, by the deadline mentioned below. Individuals living in the Punjab Province are qualified to apply. The submission would be denied if it is incomplete. On 07-04-2021 (BS-17 & above) and 14-04-2021 (BS-17 & below), a list of shortlisted candidates will be released on the website (https:/ (below BS 17). Government workers with a Department Permission Certificate are eligible to apply across the appropriate channels. Shortlisted applicants must appear for an interview with their original testimonials on the date, time, and venue listed below. Fringe benefits and other benefits specific to the particular positions are allowed. There will be no TA/DA for the interview. Chief Monitoring, PMIU, can be called at 042- 99213595-7 for any information or questions.