Printing and Stationery Department Balochistan Jobs 2022
Printing and Stationery Department Balochistan Jobs 2022
Printing and Stationery Department Balochistan Jobs 2022
Those looking for Government Jobs in Balochistan are encouraged to read this post of Printing and Stationery Department Balochistan Jobs 2022. We learned about these job openings from the Daily Jang newspaper.
Candidates from the Balochistan Province are eligible for this position. Both male and female applicants with the necessary qualifications and experience are welcome to apply for these positions.
Printing and Stationery Department Balochistan Jobs Advertisement Latest
- Posted on: January 5, 2022
- Location: Balochistan
- Intermediate, Literate, Matric, Middle, and Primary Education
- The deadline is January 25, 2022.
- Vacancies: 55
- Balochistan Printing and Stationery Department
- Address: Balochistan Printing and Stationery Department, Quetta
Stenographer, Assistant Computer Operator, Sub Engineer, Printing Machine Man, Press Mechanic, Account Clerk, Junior Clerk, Plate Maker, Junior Computer Operator, Copy Paster, Time Keeper, Store Keeper, Care Taker, Proof Reader, Katib, Photostat Machine Operator, Driver, Chowkidar, GateKeeper, Khalasi, Naib Qasid, Press Helper, and Khakrob are among the positions available.
Literate, Primary Pass, Middle Pass, Matriculation, Intermediate, and Bachelor’s Degree holders are eligible for these positions. Candidates between the ages of 18 and 43 are eligible for this position.
Positions Available:
- Accounts Payable Clerk
- Computer Operator Assist
- Care-taker
- Chowkidar
- Copy and Paste
- Driver
- GateKeeper
- Junior Clerical Assistant
- Junior Computer Technician
- Katib
- Khakrob
- Khalasi
- Qasid, Naib
- Photographic Machine Operator
- Maker of Plates
- Press Assist
- Mechanic, Press
- Man with a Printing Machine
- Reader of Proofs
- Stenographer
- Keeper of the Store
- Subcontractor
- Keeper of the Time
How to Apply for Printing and Stationery Department Balochistan Jobs 2022?
- Interested and qualified candidates should apply to the Printing & Station Department.
- The application form can be found in the vacancy notice.
- Applications with all required documents must be received by January 25th, 2022.